Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Be with the ones who love you...

Lesson of the day: Let go of the people too terrified to stand by your side while you grieve....

Be with people who want to be with you - the ones who can hold your hand and love you through it. You may lose some friends - you might figure out who your "real" family is.  Even though, you might be sad - even though, some of your days may be full of what-ifs, shouldve's, would've's and couldve's, you are still worthy of love and comfort.  IF I COULD HAVE ONLY FIGURED THIS OUT EARLER IN MY GRIEF, WHAT A DIFFERENCE IT WOULD HAVE MADE!!

It's hurtful and humiliating laying it all out for someone, only to realize later that he/she didn't even really care.  

Why do we continually go after  and chase people who have little interest in being with us or there for us?  Perhaps, it is because we have lost someone and now fear losing someone else - it's too bad we do not realize that these people are already gone - or maybe they were never really there.  We have to stop torturing ourselves.  It is almost as if we are asking for more hurt by continually trying to keep these people in our lives.  

I know that I cannot be the only one who does this - CAN I?  Chasing people who don't want be with me can't be JUST me!  

We all do it - I believe that grief makes us more prone to do it - we forget our own worthiness.  The signs are there -this person's disinterest is so apparent - why do we refuse to see it?  It basically takes getting hit over the head w/something so painful that we have no choice but to run away. 

I work really hard to always place the blame on me - I am too fat, I was "just" a teacher, I'm not smart enough, I'm not pretty, and the list goes on. But, the truth is no matter how much weight I lost or if I had a face transplant, it still wouldn't make a difference - some people - especially, it seems the ones I'm most "addicted" to will continue to reject me. How is that possible?!

Well, here is the truth: We will never have to fight to keep the people in our lives who are supposed to be in it. The others will always find an excuse to reject us. We can never be good enough for some people. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that we are not good enough - that we are not ENOUGH!!!

Look in the mirror - search your soul - find your "enough-ness!"  Follow that gut feeling - trust yourself - walk away from the negative - do it NOW! 

There really are so many people who love you - who would love you, if they knew you. By letting these people who do not want to be in our lives go, we make room for those who want a space in our lives. By clearing out the clutter, we make room for new, loving, positive relationships. We might be surprised by who is waiting in the wings - who we have passed over while chasing the negative. 

I don't believe the people who are rejecting us always know that they're doing it. So, like the song says, LET THEM GO!  You are enough - we are enough!  Let's find the people who want to be with us - who love us - let's love them back and relish in the authenticity of some wonderful relationships. 


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