Saturday, December 31, 2016

STANDING TALL ON ONE LEG by Kathy Soukup and Joel Soukup

As Joel Soukup and his mother, Kathy, face a devastating diagnosis for Joel, they learn to lean on each other and find hope where there is often none.  Joel, as a young man in high school, goes from a carefree, athletic life to one filled with doctors, hospitals and decisions that completely change his life.  Through it all, Joel never gives up and with his mother by his side, renews his determination to come out the other side and enjoy life.


Kathy Soukup is Joel’s mother and gives her perspective as a mother, facing one of the scariest things a mother will ever face – the mortality of her child.  While Kathy gives her side of it, she also provides the medical side of it.  Joel also authors this book, telling what he is thinking and feeling from the time of his diagnosis, through the treatments.  It is rare to see a situation like this from both perspectives and it feels like a privilege to get to see both sides in this book.

Friday, October 7, 2016

GO BIG OR GO HOME by Scotty McCreery
Scotty McCreery is as wholesome in writing as he appeared on the stage of American Idol.  As he states, he is too young for this to be his autobiography.  So, it is kind of a travelogue/diary of his experiences so far.  Through his rise to success, he has found out that not all people are honest or looking out for his best interests.  But, he has also found out, as always, the good people outnumber the bad.
              Scotty is a young, all-American guy walking into the chaos of fame.  He has done it well and is surrounded by so many who do have his best interests at heart.  His story is not one of the ones we see on the cover of The Enquirer – some sad story of a young person who found fame early and went down the wrong road.  Scotty is staying firm in his beliefs and working hard to keep his roots in mind as all the perks of fame invade his life – including all the temptations that become so available as one finds fame.  Along the way, stories and comments have been included from fans, band members and such.  It’s a lovely touch, reinforcing the greatness of the example provided by Scotty McCreery.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

FORGIVING MY DAUGHTER'S KILLER: A True Story of Loss, Faith, and Unexpected Grace BY Kate Grosmaire

Forgiving My Daughter’s Killer is a powerful story of forgiveness.  When Kate Grosmaire’s daughter is shot by her boyfriend, the last thing one would expect is one of the first things Grosmaire offers: her forgiveness.  Faced with the loss of her daughter, she is able to step across the line of anger and embrace the young man and his family in a cloak of forgiveness. 

We all read about forgiveness being important – not just for the person being forgiven – but, for the person doing the forgiving.  Many books have been written about the subject of forgiveness, but this one is one of the most well-written stories I have ever read on the subject.  Kate Grosmaire tells the story in such a poignant manner that it is impossible to stand outside the store or remain indifferent.  While the subject was a tough one and the story heart-breaking, I found myself so engrossed in the book that I could not put it down.  Thank you, Mrs. Grosmaire for sharing your story and your strength.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

20 SHORT ONES by Dan Salerno
This is a collection of short stories - perfect for the busy mind or the person who only has short periods to read and do not want to commit to a longer book.  The stories are engaging - the characters life-like.
I really enjoyed this collection of short stories.  They were full of conversations and relationship issues that many of us have faced.  They are wholesome stories - a book I could hand to any one of my friends or family members.  

Thursday, March 17, 2016

An Amish Year: Four Amish Novellas by Beth Wiseman

Beth Wiseman’s book contains four novellas, each one better than the last.  The four novellas: Rooted in Love, A Love for Irma Rose, Patchwork Perfect, and When Christmas Comes Again all tell stories that touch the reader’s heart and include characters that the reader empathizes with from beginning to end. 
            In the first story, Rooted in Love, Rosemary Lantz is a sixteen-year-old young woman, who has lost her mother and is trying to take her place for the family.  In doing so, she is willing to sacrifice her own desire for love.  But, fate has other plans.

A Love for Irma Rose, the second novella, is set in 1957. Irma Rose is ready to date for the first time, and has more than one choice.  She must choose between a reckless boy who makes her heart beat faster or a “good” Amish boy, who she thinks she is expected to pick.
           Eli Byler is a widower in the third novella, Patchwork Perfect.  He has two children and is ready to marry again.  He has a few choices when he arrives in a new town.  But, he also has the responsibilities of two young children.  Eli finds out that where one finds love is not always where one believed it would be.

When Christmas Comes Again is the final novella.  New widow, Katherine, and her four children are facing the first holidays since the death of her husband.  She is struggling to run the home, deal with her grief, as well as her children’s, and, now, a new worry is on her shoulders, as she catches a strange man following her about.  Never expecting the news she receives from this man, her life will change once again. 
           Beth Wiseman does a wonderful job bringing her characters to life, building stories that entrance the readers and leave them wanting more.  The stories are the perfect length.  After turning the last page of each novella, I went to bed thinking of the characters and how their lives turn out after the “happy ending.”

Friday, March 4, 2016

Catch Me If You Can

Catch Me If You Can  By Carrie Marston  

Laura is 15-years-old, struggling with all the things young girls do, along with trying to fit into her blended family.  It has not been an easy adjustment for her and as hurt and responsibilities have been piled on her shoulders, Laura reaches her breaking point.  She makes a decision that will ultimately change her life and the lives of those around her.

It is impressive that a teenage bridged this story together.  However, it feels as if it was published prematurely.  Even with the large gaps in the story, it would have been easier to read with a more thorough edit before publishing.  The story line was a good one - however, it was hard to connect with the characters, as their development was not deep enough.  It would be a great idea to put this back through the editing process and re-release!


Sunday, January 10, 2016

An Amish Christmas Gift: Three Amish Novellas

AN AMISH CHRISTMAS GIFT: THREE AMISH NOVELLAS by Amy Clipston, Ruth Reed, and Kelly Irvin

Three short stories that are really great! This is a fun collection for a fan of Amish fiction to enjoy at the Christmas holidays or any time, really.

Amy Clipston's story, Naomi’s Gift is my favorite of the three of the three novellas. Naomi was so real and really pulled the reader into her story. It set the tone to feel empathy for Naomi, how she was and how she was misunderstood. Caleb and Susie were also great and realistic characters. The attraction and connection between Naomi and Caleb was perfect. I had not read the series that this novella is connected to, but did not have any problem following along in the story.

An Unexpected Joy by Ruth Reid was a very different read.  The story read more like a young adult novella and seemed a little jumpy at times.  I thought the growth of their relationship was sweet and fun and it was great to bring in the extended family members.  It could have easily developed into a novel.  I enjoyed reading about Micah’s changing feelings for Abigail. Things certainly change quickly at the story’s end!

Kelly Irvin's novella, A Christmas Visitor has great and complex characters.  The tension between Frannie and Rocky is great and the situation that they are in keeps the reader engrossed.  Frannie’s aunt adds plenty of extra tension to the situation, as well, with the way she wants to push Joseph and Frannie together. This novella can stand alone, but it is also connected to the Amish of Bee County series.  It is a great story!

I enjoy these Amish novella collections. If you do, too, then I definitely recommend An Amish Christmas Gift as a book you will want to read.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

What is YOUR "Why?"


On January 7, it will be four years since Tash died.  I have spent much of that time asking "why." 

- WHY did she die?
- WHY was she sick?
- WHY wasn't I there when she died?
- WHY didn't I do things differently?
- WHY didn't I call her that day?
- WHY couldn't she have been born healthy?
- WHY couldn't we have found her a donor?
- WHY couldn't I save her?

Last year, I began asking other questions that began with "why."

- WHY did I continue to live when Tasha died?
- WHY did I survive?
- WHY am I here?

Yes, they all kind of sound alike.  But, there MUST be a purpose for me to continue to breathe.  So, I began digging - reading, talking through more things in counseling, writing, meditating - whatever I could think of to do to find my purpose. I am not there yet.  But, I am closer.

As the new year arrived, I began making a list of possible reasons why I am still here and Tasha is not.  None of them take the pain of loss away - but, they have begun to give me hope.  They have made me think - made me more excited to get out of bed in the morning.

And, I am thankful for another chance at finding my purpose - I will always be Tasha's mom - but, now, I am working to find out who I am on my own.


Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year...2016, what will you bring?


As some of you know and many of you don't, we moved to London last April.  I have called it my "great escape."  It has taken the pressure off me and my grieving process. This "great escape" has allowed me to really step forward in my journey to find happiness again. 

My life will never be the same - mornings will never be easy - but, I believe that it might be okay to be happy again.  Even as I write this, I feel a twinge of guilt.  But, still, "I rise..."

But, I know that living in the cloud of grief without at least making the effort to be happy again is also a disservice to Tasha and her memory.  It allows the day of her death to override all of the days she LIVED!!  She lived a little over 10,000 days - certainly not enough - but, her life is so much more than the one day she died. I am....welcoming 2016 and thankful for the opportunity to find some happiness in my life, while continuing in the discovery and search of my authentic self.

There are no people to judge my process here - no one to tell me to put my "big girl panties on" and get over it - no one to ask "how can you be happy?" - It's just me walking the line...looking up to the heavens, asking Tash if she is proud - to send me signs - to carve my own path in my life that continues without her, but, still honoring her life and memory.

I love London and while I have been writing for myself, I am ready to begin sharing again - this is a great country - a stoic country - a country that opens its doors to provide opportunities to so many - and now, it has given me the opportunity - to feel - to explore - to be more me than I have ever had the chance to be!

And, now, we have entered a new year...with more chances...and, I am ready to take them all...

2016...the year of simple abundance...the year of exploration...the year of love...

There is no better gift I can give my husband, family and friends than myself - a me comfortable and at peace with myself.  This is the year I continue letting go of what and who doesn't work for me any is an opportunity to celebrate the life I have left!

While continuing to miss Tasha every day of my life, I will continue toward happiness...I will choose joy!

So, watch out, I come!
