Sunday, March 15, 2015


MAKE IT HAPPEN: Surrender Your Fear and Take the Leap Live on Purpose BY Lara Casey

In this book, Lara Casey urges the reader to step out of his comfort zone and to begin living with purpose.  The book is an action plan for taking back one’s life and beginning to really live, not just exist.  It includes questions to get started with – kind of like a workbook and links to motivational tools to help along the way.

This book is so motivating and inspiring.  Lara Casey includes steps of her own journey, including the ones she took backward.  It challenged me – as I read through the questions to answer, I often found myself stumped, finding myself so buried in the “stuff” of everyday life that I realized I was missing out on purposeful living.  Pushing through the activities, setting goals and starting on a plan that is biblically supported is exciting and inspiring, as evidenced by Casey’s own story.

I would definitely recommend this book to others, especially if one is at the point of wondering what’s next.  If one is looking to get out of the rut in which he is living, to step out of the rat race, to move social media to the backseat of life, this book is for you!

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