Saturday, June 28, 2014

No one tells you what grief is really like...

I am learning what grief is
We spend a lot of time together, grief and I
I have learned his secrets and his weaknesses
He has learned mine

If parents knew the truth of grief
they would never let their children go
But, here's a few things that people never tell you
They are the griever's secrets.

Grief isn't just in the mind - it affects the body, too
The aches and pains that have never been
they are there now, too.
Hair loss, loss or increase of appetite -
all "benefits of grief."

There are so many new things to learn -
Should I smile?
Should I cry?
What do people expect?

Well, expect to become an actor or actress
You'll love to give the people what they want
We don't want to infect others with this terrible disease
That's what we are to them - a virus to avoid

There are so many things I could tell you - but, today is a good day - so, for now, I will focus on that.

These are the secrets that grief doesn't want YOU to know:

You will have good days
You will laugh again - and, it won't hurt
You will be able to look at pictures and smile at the memories

It's not easy - these things take time
You will still cry -
at the sound of the song - the word "mom" -
the lost time with those you love.

But, you will laugh - you will smile
the pain will dull - but, it will never leave
It's the price of a love so deeply felt
And, we do love our children.

You will notice the beauty in a sunset
dance to the beat of a forgotten song
feel your heart open to the love of another
You will smile again

Love yourself as your loved one loved you
Let yourself grieve - but, let yourself live
We are living life for two now
We are owe it to ourselves and to our loved ones
to experience all the things they missed.

The most important things to remember -
You ARE stronger than you think...
You CAN do this...
You ARE loved....

Goodnight, Tash - I love you - I am now and forever will be your mom - it is the most blessed thing I have ever been. 

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