Grief: A Mama's Unwanted Journey BY Shelley Ramsey
Shelley Ramsey gives a real voice to the grieving
mother. She uses her experience and shares
how the death of her son, Joseph Ramsey, took her to the brink and how she
worked to return to life. This is the
story of a family recovering after the death of a family member. It is the story of a grieving mother learning
to live again after burying her first-born.
She takes the reader through the trials and tribulations of learning to
put a life back together after it has been ripped apart. She does not preach or lecture, but, simply
tells her story, giving hope to other grieving mothers.
As a grieving mother myself, I could relate to Shelley
Ramsey’s story. It is comforting to know
that feelings and actions are not yours alone.
To know that others have gone through a loss like your own, have felt
the same emotions, gone through the same struggles and come out on the other
side is refreshing. Her story is one
that no parent should ever have to tell.
But Ramsey tells it with grace and dignity. She tells it in such a way that it feels as
if she is on the sofa holding your hand, helping you make it through your own
struggles. I wholeheartedly recommend
this book to any grieving parent, especially to those just beginning this
lifelong grieving that occurs when one loses a child. Shelley Ramsey’s story is any parent’s
nightmare and she provides that helping hand to any parent who follows her.